Sunday 30 June 2013

Where Am I Now 2013:                                           ** MY S...

Where Am I Now 2013:
                                          ** MY S...
:                                           ** MY SOCIAL MEDIA PRIVACY NOTICE **                                                           ...

                                          ** MY SOCIAL MEDIA PRIVACY NOTICE **
                                                                       See Below



   GAGGED from WARNING YOU of the pit falls of coming out the system and how to do it the right way.

October 2010 I was involved in a media snowball as a single mother with a disability trapped in the benefit system, what started as a front 4 page local article in the and Leyland Guardian, the Lancashire Evening Post hit most local papers throughout England, nationals such as The Express, The Daily Mail, The Sun, The Daily Mirror, The Guardian ext, BBC Northwest tonight, Granada Reports, BBC Radio Lancashire, "New" ( a women's magazine) and Daybreak...... Each taking it's own angle..............

My aim was to launch Challenge Britain, Now Step Up Britain but due to a off duty police offered who reversed into my car while driving on a mobile phone I was taken into hospital with slipped disks in low back and neck and my son injured and the fast pace launch my condition took a turn for the worse and the year became about provisions for my children while in hospital and having to deal with social services and the system at yet another level.... So many failures and complaints issued.

I also at this time moved from one private rental to another falling short on needing a guarantor meaning that me and the children lived in a B and B for two weeks while trying to sort thing finally ending up in an interim social housing place...

Even I at the time did not know how I was going to change this situation I just knew it was a must, having hit rock bottom after leaving a relationship that was one of domestic violence with two teenagers affected by the situation having a five month old baby and finding I was pregnant after only just being through a traumatic delivery resulting in a transfusion and a life changing experience it became a must.

I have done things the systems way and I was enrolled in a scheme with in biz to go self employed... The transition from income support to working tax credits was finally completed just before Christmas..... After interviewing 1000s in the system I will be completing a report for the Department of working Pensions with my view on the system and how I feel it should be structured....

In the mean time I will be walking the talk, last year was a lot about re education, I have already graduated but this was about taking responsibility, having a disability is one thing but being part of the problem is another... I set myself free from smoking, changed my eating style, had a way with dealing with those in the system, I have removed all ownership of the condition and pushing myself further to see what I can do... The system is set up to focus on what you can't do and I can't live that way....

Having attended Motivating Britain and learning directly from....

ZIG ZIGLAR, Andy T. Hansen, Morris Goodman,
Karren Brady, Adrian Webster, Christine Hamlton,
Mark Victor Hansen, Julie Ziglar Norman, Rob Brown.

And The National Achievers Congress and learning from


Not just listening to speakers, but getting to interview and chat with them, it was more the people I got to spend my time with and connect with later.... The list is endless....

2011 for me was re educating, challenging my believe systems, taking responsibility, forgiving and putting closer on events from the past, completing Dan Bradburys Coaches, Trainers and Speakers Training Course, Jairek Robbins, Tony Robbins, Diva Marketing School.

                                               Yes I am aware I look like shit. Then anyway

The final piece of the puzzle was writing my birth plan at the Damsels in Success conference learning from some amazing women Rachel Elnaugh, Judymay Murphy, Christina Morassi, Nicki Vee, Sarupa Shah, Lucie Bradbury.

Over the past year via Facebook I have connected, met with and spoken to such a number of people who have had such a contribution in to the development of where I'm about to go...

Most people get to where they are what they consider successful and then tell people how they did it, well I'm going to do this different way and release how I'm going to do it so others can join the journey.....

This year I'm going to walk the talk, I will apply all I have learn to go from where I am now to where I wish to be, I will share the ups and downs, the Walls I hit, and how I get round them........

2012 is an exciting year for me, this year I will be the change I wish to see......

At the start of 2012 I set a standard for my family with Jariek Robbins working on our ideal day, however for me at that time I was still tide to my son Daniel and school, his Dad his roots and I had to let go of my true ideal day for my son and his Dad and I was OK with that so I changed the dream and excepted I would live in a place I hated for another two years but that I was willing to make the most of it and have a few ideal days a year as a reward for my sacrifice.

I went to work with jesse brisendine and his accountability group with the One Year 1000 Challenges at creating our ideal 2012 and making a mission statement, setting five goals, and my son Daniel joined me in this hitting every single one. Me I lowered the standard and fell on my face. Well I didn't really it was just bloody hard.

Everything was a challenge and I found to do what I had to do crossed lines and even broke laws, or jeopardised my home, kids, family.

Say OK.. I'm a single mum... How does a single mum go from income support and put down £250 childcare deposit. We found away around it but it was many bridges to cross and slow step by steps and used Buddies and Mini Magees as a means to an end, it was fun, it worked and I was going to buy Buddies, I still want to. It did work out the kids had great day care it was two weekends a year I do that brought the challenge. The UPW and the NAC costing me £1200 in childcare.

My son stepped up, and friends knowing I wasn't just attending this time but was honoured to be crewing, to be teaching, learning at a whole new level and it was awesome.

For the UPW it was my greatest challenge which I could write a book on, but I left on my birthday with a friend 1st Class on Virgin Trains and it was paid for lol

The greatest weekend of my life thanks to my son and friends.

The NAC though we had lost the flat and lived in the Ramada Hotel and Premier Inn for the weekend so the kids could play. Which meant when I had to work in London I had to take the kids with me. I had a hire car Daniel does like to travel and I couldn't of done it without Liam and on one weekend my Mum.

The NAC though was hard coz by this time I had connections with people, relationships, and people who wanted my help on demand, as well as children back at the hotel with Liam it was a suit and Aaron grow a love for Aeroplanes being we had the private landing next to the hotel and they had so much to do. We have a relationship with the community there so its pretty cool.

We got rained in though by social services as they said Liam could not share with Faith nor me, and it wasn't like they had too we had a suit Faith would just keep sleeping in between his legs when he was watching TV and on some nights Liam would jump in with me.

                                     This was before the warning, when we are at the Premier in

When Liam when to London with Harry Singar and The Youth Leadership team I when to stay with my Auntie and it did my head in having everyone tell me what I should do.

In the end I came to Save The Family as Social Services Classed me as being on the run as they wanted to take my kids into foster care as they said living in hotels and travelling the world as we where due to do with the Robbins Roaming Crew Team.

Where for 30 years they have been praying on vulnerable parents and taking there kids, well maybe not the last 30 but its been proved in the last two years. I came her for protection and they took my kids.

                            They even stopped me seeing my son of 14 years who misses his Mum

Daniel choose to finish school but to come on the holidays and I was still going to buy the house we still hope to buy so I could still live in the UK but ROM with Liam and kids. This is there choice too its not just me.

But on the 13th December 2012 my life changed for good when my children where then very wrongfully taken from me by Flintshire Social Services. Kidnapped in fact as for 7 months I have not know when they are, or been able to see then and all I read is reports of abuse at many levels total torucure to my little babies and it hurts like hell all because they failed to transfer my families existing care plan from Lancashire to North Wales resulting in a miss understanding and even though I had a copy of my medical notes they still took my kids and 7 months later (now in 30th June 2013) its a process they say.

For 7 months they have neglected my families medical needs, miss treated my family, been abusive, controlling, manipulating, aggressive, I have 39 up help complaints against them, a police protection order on my children yet still on Friday 21st June I stood in court as I was told my children where being "forced adopted" without my permission or say so and there was nothing I could do about it.

All because I left the system and taught others how to do it themselves..

They took my kids. They kidnapped them, abused them, still abusing them and my family.

They stopped me seeing my children because my daughter laid in my lap crying for me to just take her home, and both the kids cried as leaving. They called this emotional abuse because I told them I loved them and was doing all I could to get them home. Social services tell them I don't and I cant keep them save and not want them, I have heard from other care children they have been told there parents where dead. No child should fell this pain and there was no reason for them to ever take my children. No reason at all.

And this country, this government lets them get away with it, and so many other families too.

I will never let this go and Friday 29th because I have been in the media they have stopped me working, taking my income, my hire car, my home, my kids, and now gagging me so I can not speak out and on Wednesday threatening to take me to jail.

I will get my kids back but going to the royal court of justice. I just don't know how long it will take.

                                                   I will never stop until my kids are home

I have many people backing me, following me, looking to me to do something but I only have my son Liam by my side.

I am representing myself in court now and having to learn as I go.

I am currently at who is part of the corruption and taking me to court 17th July to evict me and my son when they know there is no care of duty on me in the UK and in trapped for two years by paper work.

It doesn't bother us, we just need it in order and then need a car and going to go around the UK collecting class actions and assessing parents and helping the youth speak up while I take these bastards to court.

My family will be back together again...

                                    Broken but not forever. All four will be together again. SOON

I just don't know when <3

If you  can help and support in anyway please say Hi

Best wishes and God Bless

Peace, Love, Harmony and Prosperity....

Kellie Cottam

Lets do it, Let's make it Happen......

                                              YOU FUCKED WITH THE WRONG KIDS

 You are in our hearts, minds and souls every second of everyday, be strong my babies I love you <3

Aaron and Faith I promise I will get you home where you belong, Loved

                                               ** MY SOCIAL MEDIA PRIVACY NOTICE **

You force us to protect our identiy, this is the last time you will see my face after you gag me. My children need me

Warning - any person and / or institution an d / or Agent and / or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government also using or monitoring this website or any of its associated sites DO NOT have my permission to use any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to my photos, and / or the comments made about my photos or any other "picture" of art posted on my profile.

You are hereby notified that it is strictly prohibited to disclose, copy, distribute, disclose or take any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein.

The previous prohibitions also apply to your employee, agent, student, or any personnel under your direction or control.

The contents of this profile are private and confidential information and sensitive.

The violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law.
UCC 1-103 1-308

Warning--any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United Kingdom Government also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to my photos, and/ or the comments made about my photo's or any other "picture" art posted on my profile. You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein.

The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee(s), agent(s), student(s) or any personnel under your direction or control. The contents of this profile are private, and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law.

Any material published on this site by me is strictly for the pleasure and communication between myself and friends and family only.


Any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United Kingdom Government also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of the group information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to posts, videos, photos, and/ or the comments made about photo's and videos or any other "picture" art posted on this group.

You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this Anyonmous Family Army group and the contents herein.

The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee(s), agent(s), student(s) or any personnel under your direction or control. The contents of this profile are Anyonmous Family Army group, and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law. Any material published on this site by me is strictly for the pleasure and communication between myself and friends and family only.

Law and Regulation

- Clayton v Clayton [2006] EWCA Civ 878

- Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights provides the right to freedom of expression, subject to certain restrictions that are "in accordance with law" and "necessary in a democratic society". This right includes the freedom to hold opinions, and to receive and impart information and ideas.Article 10 – Freedom of expression

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.

Statements made in a good faith and reasonable belief that they were true are generally treated the same as true statements; however, the court may inquire into the reasonableness of the belief. The degree of care expected will vary with the nature of the defendant: an ordinary person might safely rely on a single newspaper report, while the newspaper would be expected to carefully check multiple sources.

Opinion is a defense recognized in nearly every jurisdiction. If the allegedly defamatory assertion is an expression of opinion rather than a statement of fact, defamation claims usually cannot be brought because opinions are inherently not falsifiable. However, some jurisdictions decline to recognize any legal distinction between fact and opinion. The United States Supreme Court, in particular, has ruled that the First Amendment does not require recognition of an opinion privilege.[29]

Mere vulgar abuse is an insult that is not necessarily defamatory because it is not intended to be taken literally or believed, or likely to cause real damage to a reputation. Vituperative statements made in anger, such as calling someone "an asshole" during a drunken argument, would likely be considered mere vulgar abuse and not defamatory.

Fair comment on a matter of public interest, arguments made with an honest belief in their soundness on a matter of public interest (such as regarding official acts) are defendable against a defamation claim, even if such arguments are logically unsound; if a reasonable person could honestly entertain such an opinion, the statement is protected.
Consent is an uncommon defense and makes the claim that the claimant consented to the dissemination of the statement.

Innocent dissemination is a defense available when a defendant had no actual knowledge of the defamatory statement or no reason to believe the statement was defamatory. The defense can be defeated if the lack of knowledge was due to negligence. Thus, a delivery service cannot be held liable for delivering a sealed defamatory letter.

Claimant is incapable of further defamation–e.g., the claimant's position in the community is so poor that defamation could not do further damage to the plaintiff. Such a claimant could be said to be "libel-proof", since in most jurisdictions, actual damage is an essential element for a libel claim. Essentially, the defense is that the person had such a bad reputation before the libel, that no further damage could possibly have been caused by the making of the statement.

Statute of limitations. Most jurisdictions require that a lawsuit be brought within a limited period of time. If the alleged libel occurs in a mass media publication such as a newspaper or the Internet, the statute of limitations begins to run at the time of publication, not when the plaintiff first learns of the communication.[30]

No Third-party communication: If an employer were to bring an employee into a sound-proof, isolated room, and accuse him of embezzling company money, the employee would have no defamation recourse, since no one other than the would-be plaintiff and would-be defendant heard the false statement.

No actual injury: If there is third-party communication, but the third-party hearing the defamatory statement does not believe the statement, or does not care, then there is no injury, and therefore, no recourse.